Zeke Tips & Tricks

1. How to view all the Predecessors at a time for particular job?
Solution: In Schedule view we have to issue a line command PRED* in front of the job.

2. How to view all the Successors at a time for particular job?
Solution: In Schedule view we have to issue a line command SUCC* in front of the job.

3. How to view both predecessors and successors at a time for particular job?
Ans:  In Schedule view we have to issue a line command path* in front of the job.

4.  Issuing a sort status in schedule view primary command line we can view different status in one view.
For ex:
Job name
Status of job
5. What is Queued operator hold?
Ans: If a job in Queued operator hold status then it states all the requirements are satisfied except Manual hold.

6.  What is primary command to view all failed jobs in the system?
Ans: Issue ZD AB SYS command.

7. What is primary command to view all failed jobs in the system?
Ans:  Issue ZD ACT SYS command.
8.   ‘=’ line command can be issued to execute the previous line command issued by the user.
For ex: we issued predecessor line command in front of the job to get all predecessors, if we want to execute this command again then we need to issue = infront of the job so we can view all the predecessors.

9. What is Dispatch meaning in Zeke?
Ans: Dispatch means execution of a job. Before dispatches an event all prerequisite conditions and resource requirements should satisfy.

10. What is command to view the line commands?
Ans: We have to give  ? before the job name.

For ex:  ? PABCDEF

 12. What is command to view the calendar for particular job?
Ans: We have  to give OCCHIT command .